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8 SS - Civil Rights: Supreme Court Cases

Use this guide for 8th Grade Social Studies

Civil Rights


SUPREME COURT IMAGES. PhotoEncyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. Web. 26 April, 2016. 

Britannica Encyclopedia

Choose Middle.

You will need to login with username and password if you are using from home.

ASD Database Passwords


World Book Encyclopedia

Image Quest

Millions of rights cleared images. Photos are high quality and include citation information. 

Webpath Express

Use Webpath Express to find teacher-recommended websites through the Destiny library catolog.

ABC CLIO American Government

Issues and Controversies in American History: Infobase

Includes Modern World History as well as Ancient and Medieval History

ASD Database Passwords

American History: ABC-CLIO

Supreme Court Videos

Screencast - How to navigate a couple of helpful databases!

Research Tools

Explora Middle School: EBSCO

You will need to login with username and password if you are using from home.

Use Advanced Search to search by reading / grade level.
Database Passwords

SIRS Discoverer (ProQuest)

Use Advanced Search to search by reading / grade level.
ASD Database Passwords

Proquest Historical News

ProQuest Historical Newspapers will search: 
The New York Times (1851-2012) and The Wall Street Journal (1889-1998).

Only available from Qatar National Library ON CAMPUS! 

Books in Our Library

Libguide Creator