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ASD Libraries Annual Report 2014: Strategy 2

ASD Strategy Two

Identify and integrate into the school community the skills, knowledge, and understandings essential to students to succeed in a changing world.

Elementary Class Visits and Database Usage

The Upper Elementary classes incorporate both weekly fixed check-out times, as well as a flexible schedule. allowing opportunities for collaboration with grade level teams and teachers. Lessons are planned and developed, scheduling times both in the classroom and library for use of the online catalog, locating print and digital resources, ethical use of information, as well as self-selection of appropriate materials. Various databases and other resources are accessed in the UE to support research across the subject areas. BrainPopCultureGramsCountry Reports, and online encyclopedias including Britannica and World Book are frequently used to located information in support of curriculum goals.   

   The focus in Lower Elementary is on enjoying reading and developing reading skills. Grades Pre-K through grade 2, have regularly scheduled library classes each week. Classes focus on various themes including Library citizenship, sections in the library, authors and illustrators, parts of a book, literature appreciation, award winning titles, as well as the opportunity to self-select appropriate materials to checkout. A number of electronic book sources have been subscribed to to support these goals including BookFlixMyOn, and TumbleBooks. The MyON subscription has been extended to include KG, Grades 1 and 2. This resource includes 1000's of high quality fiction and non-fiction books, and is popular with students, teachers and parents. 


MS/HS Class Visits to the Library

The MS/HS library operates on a flexible schedule - if students or classes want or need to come to the library, they are welcome. Middle school students have occasional visits scheduled with SWAT, but the majority of the middle school visits are for personal use or class projects.

All of the high school class visits are scheduled on an as-needed basis to support projects or assignments, and high school students use the library on their own any time throughout the day.

High School Library

2013 Endicott Parent Survey Results

% in agreement
My child knows how to effectively use the school's library resources. 98.2%

MSHS Database Usage

The librarians are continually monitoring database usage and considering which databases to add and delete to best meet the needs of the students. This year, at the request of teachers, Imagequest was added at the end of the year. EBSCO, CultureGRams, Brain Pop, and Britannica continue to be the most frequently used.

MS/HS Information Literacy Lessons

The MS and HS librarian both frequently visited classes to help the students develop information literacy skills based on the library curriculum. Some of the topics covered with MS students included how to search databases, how to use Noodletools, how to find and cite images, and how to take notes effectively. When asked if the librarian helps students with research skills, 91% of MS students agreed.

The librarians created dozens of Libguides to help the students find appropriate resources for their shcool projects. In the MS student year-end survey, 52% of the respondents cited Libguides as one of the library resources they used most regularly, and 90% said that Libguides are helpful when doing a school project. The Libguide created for the 7th grade integrated project had over 1950 visits during the unit.

When asked how often they use digital resources (the library catalog, Libguides, or databases), 29% of middle school students answered "weekly" and 44% answered "monthly." 

MS HS Library Usage

MS HS Library Study Rooms

Monitors are being purchased for all 5 of the MS/HS library study rooms so students can plug in their laptops and work collaboratively. In addition, one wall in each room will be painted with whiteboard paint so students can work on the walls, and two of the rooms will be painted with green walls for green screen filming.