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8 Social Studies: National History Day: Home

Use this guide for your Social Studies research.

2020 Theme

Breaking Barriers in History

National History Day Websites

Library Catalog - Destiny Discover

Search for books, audiobooks and ebooks here. Just type in the title of a book, a keyword, or an author and hit the enter button.

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Britannica Encyclopedia

Choose Middle.

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ASD Database Passwords


Britannica ImageQuest

You will need to login with username and password if you are using from home.

ASD Database Passwords


Explora Middle School: EBSCO

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Use Advanced Search to search by reading / grade level.
Database Passwords

SIRS Discoverer (ProQuest)

Use Advanced Search to search by reading / grade level.
ASD Database Passwords

Culture Grams

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ASD Database Passwords

World History - Ancient and Medieval Eras: ABC-CLIO

American History: ABC-CLIO

Ancient and Medieval History: Infobase

You will need to login if you access this site from home. 

ASD Database Passwords

Modern World History: Infobase

You will need to login if you access this site from home. 

ASD Database Passwords

Issues and Controversies in American History: Infobase

Includes Modern World History as well as Ancient and Medieval History

ASD Database Passwords

Meet a NHD Finalist

Annotated Bibliography Introduction

Primary vs Secondary Sources


If Britannica Image Quest doesn't have what you need, try one of these sites:

Google Images 

After you search, click on the Search Tools button, click on Usage Rights and choose the appropriate use request to limit your search.

Wikimedia Commons

It will provide dates and other information necessary to cite a photograph. The license conditions of each individual media file can be found on their description page. The Wikimedia Commons database itself and the texts in it are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.


Millions of photographs uploaded by Flickr users. In Advance Search, choose Creative Commons licenses for reusable images.

Flickr Commons

The key goal of The Commons is to share hidden treasures from the world's public photography archives. It was launched in partnership with The Library of Congress

Wellcome Collection 

Find thousands of freely licensed digital books, artworks, photos and images of historical library materials and museum objects.


The following image databases are some of the largest, highest-quality image databases available on the world wide web.  All of them have extensive coverage of visual images relevant to all content areas.

Annotation Example

Citation example: 

Elms, Matthew. When the Akimotos Went to War: An Untold Story of Family, Patriotism, and Sacrifice during World War II. Arlington, VA: American Battle Monuments Commission, 2015. Print.


Annotation example:

This book was written about the Akimotos, a Japanese American family. Connecting Japanese American Internment to the famous 442nd/100th Battalion, this book was very useful to understanding the historical context of anti-Asian sentiment in America.  This book was biased in favour of Japanese Americans in that it was told to represent their perspective. We used this book to develop the middle section of our project about Japanese Americans becoming soldiers in the US Army.  Published by the US government agency, American Battle Monuments Commission, this is a reliable source due to the variety of  primary sources and the evidence is corroborated by other sources. We found this book in our school library.


(Source: Matthew Elms)