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United States Founding Documents: Home

Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights


Schoolhouse Rock Preamble

Watch this video to learn more about the Preamble to the United States Constitution.

Brain Pop Constitution

Watch Tim and Moby from BrainPop explain the US Constitution. From home you'll need to log in.

Brain Pop Bill of Rights

Watch Tim and Moby from BrainPop explain the Bill of Rights. From home you'll need to log in.

Constitution Game

Play the Celebrate the Constitution game to see how much you know about the Constitution.


You'll need to log in with your NVS username and password to read these books online.

Crash Course: Tea, Taxes, and the American Revolution

The Original Documents

Recommended Databases

This database has a multitude of articles on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

This database has a number of articles on the history tied to these documents, as well as the full text of the documents themselves.

Recommended Websites

Crash Course: Taxes & Smuggling: Prelude to Revolution

Crash Course: The Constitution

Research Tools

Books in Our Library

The library has several books on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence, including these:

Online Encyclopedias

An encyclopedia is often a great place to start your research

World Book
