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Exploratory Art 7: Syllabus

Use this guide for Grade 7 Exploratory Art

Materials Needed


ASD’s standards are meant to prepare students to be productive citizens in a rapidly changing world that demands critical thinking and problem solving. They help students know what is expected of them by providing clear, defined learning targets.

Sketchbook: Includes any brainstorming, research, designing, planning you do prior to beginning an actual project. Written evaluations or critiques may be included in Sketchbook work.

Course Description

Design involves purposeful decision-making about using the elements and principles of art in an integrative way. In Art Exploration 7, students will use the creative process and language of art to communicate through a variety of media and techniques. Students will purposefully apply the elements of art (line, space, shape, texture, color, value) and the principles of design (unity/ variety, balance, emphasis, contrast, rhythm, repetition, proportion/scale, and occupied/unoccupied space) to express an intended idea through drawing, clay and painting.

Sketchbook Expectations

  • Work must be in chronological order. Do not skip pages unless instructed to do so.
  • You must use the front and back of pages
  • Every loose paper entry MUST BE GLUED if you want a grade!
  • All work must have a title and a date
  • Label sources of the images you find (images of art)

Classroom Expectations

  • Students are to arrive on time and prepared with supplies; Planner, sketchbook, pencil and any other supplies needed for that day.
  • Students must abide by school rules during class.
  • Students may not have iPods or cell phones in class for any reason.
  • Students must dress appropriately.
  • Students must speak English during class.
  • Unconditional respect is key to a successful classroom environment.
  • Students must be neat and orderly with their workspace and supplies.