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Karolee Storage Guide: Plant Adaptations

What are plant adaptations?

What's a habitat? 

What is an adaptation?

What do you mean a plant can behave differently to survive?

Check out these videos for some answers!

Desert Plant Adaptation Videos

How do plants survive in a 40C climate? 

Check out these videos!

How Desert Plants Survive

Prickley Pear Cactus

Prickley Pear Cactus

Life in the desert is challenging. There is very little water and it can be extremely hot during the day. To survive, desert plants have had to adapt. They use water more efficiently than plants that grow in other climates and they have developed ways to keep themselves cool. Did you know that:

  • Many desert plants have thick, waxy leaves and stems. This is the plant's sunblock. It helps keep them cool and reduces water loss through evaporation.
  • Desert plants have either extremely long roots that grow straight down to reach deep water sources or they have shallow, spreading roots that can quickly absorb rain, and even dew, before it disappears.
  • When plants take in carbon dioxide through tiny holes in their leaves called stomata they release oxygen into the air. During this process called photosynthesis the plants also lose water or transpire. To reduce the amount of water lost through transpiration some desert plants conduct photosynthesis at night when it is cooler. Others, such as cacti, conduct photosynthesis through their thick, waxy stems.
  • Needles protect cacti from more than thirsty animals. They provide shade and collect mist and dew. What's more, needles keep the cactus cool in much the same way as the fins on a radiator.


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